Deep Connection Massage

A full body massage to relax, destress and put you into a complete state of rest and relaxation, taking you into your parasympathetic nervous system.

I will connect to your soul, hold space for you to soften, surrender and let go.

It's hard to put into words the way this massage will make you feel as each experience is beautiful and oh so different depend on what you need from it.

I can guarantee you will leave feeling nurtured and with a deeper connection to yourself.

I can bring my massage service to you for an extra £5.00 per massage or you can visit me in Portslade.


60 Minute Massage £70

90 Minute massage £100

Lisa also offers massage at Be-Yoga in Haywards Heath every Friday.

60 Minute Massage £75

90 Minute massage £105

Contact Lisa to book.


Deep Tissue Massage

A massage that gets deep in the muscles to release tension and ease tightness. I can help with chronic back pain, hip, knee, neck pain caused by training, stress or postural problems, as well as bringing in a little energy work with your permission.

I can bring my massage service to you for an extra £5.00 per massage or you can visit me in Portslade.


45minute Massage £55

60minute Massage £70

Lisa also offers massage at Be-Yoga in Haywards Heath every Friday.

60 Minute Massage £75

90 Minute massage £105

Contact Lisa to book